Sunday, October 1, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 27 : The Expulsion

The somber mood that had settled over the house after the Varalakshmi Pooja was palpable. The guests had departed, leaving behind a heavy silence that seemed to echo through the rooms. Suresh, nursing the bruises on his wife's back, looked at Ilakiya with deep concern as she lay bare on the bed, her face etched with pain.
However, the tranquility of the moment was shattered as Mrs. Meera stormed into the room, her anger still burning fiercely. In a tone that crackled with fury, she demanded, "How dare you insult our family in front of all the guests today?"
Ilakiya, her body still aching, gathered her strength and slowly rose from the bed, covering her bosom with a blanket. Her voice trembled with a mix of pain and frustration as she responded, "I've had enough, Ma. You've been making indirect jabs at me on numerous occasions, as if I'm the one who's infertile."
The room seemed to tremble with the weight of their unspoken truths. Ilakiya continued, her voice steadier now, "The truth is, despite all our efforts, we couldn't conceive because Suresh's sperm count is too low. He's essentially sterile."
Mrs. Meera's fury only seemed to intensify as Ilakiya revealed the painful truth about Suresh's infertility. She accused Ilakiya of failing to protect the family's honor and causing irreparable damage through her actions in front of the guests. Her words were sharp and stung like a swarm of bees.
"As the daughter-in-law of this family," Mrs. Meera seethed, "you should have shielded our honor. Instead, you've humiliated us in front of everyone today. You've tarnished our reputation, and how are we to walk in pride in society now? Our ancestors, in Suresh's lineage, have always been known for their fertility. They've borne many children. You, with your mixed blood, could never understand what it means to uphold our legacy."
Ilakiya, her patience worn thin, couldn't bear the accusations any longer. She stood her ground, her voice trembling with anger, yet strangely calm. "If this bloodline is as strong as you say, then how do you explain the fact that you stopped at having just one child? You couldn't bear any more children after that, could you? Infertility can affect anyone, regardless of their lineage, due to various external factors."
She turned her gaze towards Suresh, her expression filled with both sorrow and determination. "I've tried to live with Suresh despite knowing about his condition. He couldn't satisfy me sexually or help me conceive, but I've endured it all. However, I can't endure this emotional abuse any longer."
Turning to Suresh, she asked the most painful question of all, "Suresh, it's time to make a choice. Do you want your mother or me? We can't continue living under the same roof with this unbearable situation."
The room seemed to hold its breath as the weight of Ilakiya's words hung in the air. It was a moment of reckoning, where the family's future hung in the balance, torn between tradition and the harsh realities of their lives.
In the tense silence that hung in the room, Suresh found himself cornered, torn between his loyalty to his mother and his love for his wife, Ilakiya. His silence spoke volumes, and in that moment, he made a choice that would echo through their lives.
With a heavy heart, he looked at Ilakiya and whispered, "Ma, I'm sorry, but I can't go against my mother." It was a confession that cut deep into Ilakiya's soul, revealing that Suresh was a man not bound by principles but by the chains of his mother's expectations.
Ilakiya, her eyes brimming with tears, felt a mixture of pain and resignation. She had hoped that love would conquer all, that Suresh would stand up for her in her time of need. But now, she realized that he was not the man she had believed him to be.
Rather than continuing to live with a cowardly man who couldn't defend her or their love, Ilakiya made a painful decision. She knew that leaving her marriage would mean leaving behind not just the man she loved but also the life she had known. However, she was determined to find her own path, even if it meant starting from scratch.
Meera, in her commanding tone, turned to Ilakiya and said, "Pack your belongings and leave immediately. You no longer have a place in this house."
The demand came as a seismic shock to Ilakiya, even though she had expected it deep down. The weight of those words, the finality of the decision, hit her like a tidal wave. She stood there, stunned and heartbroken, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions.
Suresh, still in silence, made no move to stop his wife from leaving. His inability to stand up for her or make a choice between the two most important women in his life was a silent admission of his own weakness.
As Ilakiya began to gather her belongings, her tears fell like silent raindrops. She knew that this was not just the end of her marriage but also the end of a chapter in her life. With each item she packed, she left behind a piece of her heart and the dreams she had once held.
In the midst of this emotional turmoil, the door of their home opened, letting in the harsh reality of the world outside. Ilakiya was about to step into an uncertain future, alone, yet determined to find her own path and rebuild her life on her terms.
As Ilakiya stood at the threshold of uncertainty, her heart heavy with the weight of her shattered marriage, she sought solace in the darkness that had enveloped her life. She knew she couldn't return to her parents' home without an explanation, and in her vulnerable state, she feared their judgment.
The taxi ride to TBS, where the last bus to her hometown of JB awaited, felt like a journey into the unknown. With each passing mile, her thoughts grew more tumultuous. What would she say to her parents? How would she explain the events that had unfolded, the failure of her marriage, and the emotional scars she now carried?
She knew all too well the expectations of her parents, who, like many in their conventional patriarchal society, placed the honor of the family squarely on the shoulders of their daughters. Women from failed marriages were often regarded as a source of humiliation, a stain on the family's reputation.
As Ilakiya reached the bustling terminal of TBS, she felt a rising uncertainty about the path she was about to take. The weight of societal norms pressed down on her, making her question her decision to return home.
Then, in that moment of inner turmoil, she made a choice. She reached for her phone and dialed the number of the one person she believed would stand by her side, the person she could rely on in her darkest hours – Anbu.
The phone rang, each tone resonating with her hopes and fears. When Anbu's voice finally answered on the other end, it was like a lifeline in the stormy sea of her emotions.
"Anbu," Ilakiya's voice quivered, "it's Ilakiya."

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