Saturday, September 30, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 26 : The Explosion

Two long and challenging years had passed since their journey to Kerala for fertility treatment. Despite their unwavering efforts and numerous attempts to conceive, the couple remained childless. Mrs. Meera, a woman deeply rooted in superstition, had fervently prayed to every deity she could think of, never letting go of hope.

As the days went by, anticipation filled the air in their neighborhood as families readied themselves for the auspicious Varalakshmi Vratam. This special day was dedicated to prayer and devotion to the goddess of wealth and prosperity, and Suresh's family was honored to host the Pooja at their home. Sumangalis from the neighborhood gathered, with Ilakiya, their daughter-in-law, at the heart of the preparations.

The sacred altar was adorned with vibrant flowers and offerings, and the family came together for the Varalakshmi Pooja event. Mrs. Meera, the family's matriarch, saw this as the perfect moment to address a matter that had been gnawing at her for some time. With a benevolent smile, she turned to Ilakiya, her voice trembling with hope.

"Dear Ilakiya," Mrs. Meera began, her eyes filled with longing, "may Goddess Varalakshmi bless you with fertility and grant us the joy of a child in our family."

Ilakiya, her grace and confidence unwavering, humbly touched Mrs. Meera's feet, seeking her blessings. But she couldn't let this poignant moment pass without addressing the unspoken truth. "Thank you, Athé," Ilakiya replied respectfully, her voice gentle yet resolute, "but I want you to know that I have always been highly fertile, with regular cycles and every effort to ensure high fertility."

The silence that followed was profound, for Ilakiya's words hinted at a deeper issue—one that perhaps lay with her husband, Suresh. Mrs. Meera's smile faded as she grasped the implication, and Suresh's face flushed with embarrassment.

The truth hung in the air like an unspoken curse. Both Mrs. Meera and Suresh had their egos bruised, and their unspoken expectations had clashed. Mrs. Meera had hoped to place the blame on Ilakiya, convinced that her family's history of fertility should guarantee success. Meanwhile, Suresh, burdened by his own shame and fear, couldn't confront the reality of his own issue.

The Varalakshmi Pooja event, intended to bring blessings and harmony, had unwittingly become a stage for hidden tensions and unspoken truths. As the family continued with their prayers, a cloud of unease settled over their household. It was a poignant reminder that sometimes, life's most complex challenges required more than just the blessings of the divine.

Ilakiya's words had inadvertently wounded Mrs. Meera's ego, and her face twisted with anger, her blessings turning into curses. It was a shocking turn of events, one that left the guests bewildered and the air heavy with hostility.

In her rage, Mrs. Meera seized a ceremonial firestick nearby, her trembling hands clutching it fiercely. With a fiery glare, she lunged at Ilakiya, her voice seething with fury. "You dare insult our family's traditions and question my son's fertility, you wretched woman!"

Ilakiya, taken aback by the sudden attack, barely had time to react. She tried to shield herself, but the blows from the stick rained down upon her. The guests gasped in horror as they watched a sacred ceremony morph into a violent spectacle.

"Amma, please stop!" Suresh finally found his voice, but his words were feeble, his actions even weaker. He made no effort to intervene or protect his wife.

Ilakiya, now in tears and pain, felt a profound sense of betrayal. She had expected her husband to stand up for her, to shield her from this onslaught. Yet, there he stood, passive and unmoving, paralyzed by guilt and shame.

One particularly strong blow struck Ilakiya's back, causing her to cry out in agony. The pain was excruciating, and her vision blurred. She crumpled to the floor, her consciousness slipping away.

Amid the chaos, an elderly guest bravely stepped forward and confronted Mrs. Meera. "Stop this madness, Mrs. Meera! This is a sacred event, and your actions bring shame upon us all."

Mrs. Meera, her anger not yet quenched, reluctantly dropped the stick and stepped back. Ilakiya lay unconscious on the floor, her body battered and bruised.

The elderly guest, along with a few others, tended to Ilakiya's injuries and called for medical help. Suresh, his face ashen with guilt, finally realized the gravity of his inaction. He rushed to his wife's side, tears streaming down his face, but it was too late to undo the damage that had been done.

The Varalakshmi Pooja event, meant to bring blessings and harmony, had transformed into a tragic and painful chapter in their lives. Ilakiya's wounds ran deeper than the physical ones; she felt wounded not just by her mother-in-law's attack but also by her husband's betrayal. As they say, sometimes the scars that are hardest to heal are the ones inflicted by those closest to us.

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The somber mood that had settled over the house after the Varalakshmi Pooja was palpable. The guests had departed, leaving behind a heavy si...